Quality Swim Instruction for Villa Park

If you’re searching for quality swim instruction in Villa Park, call on the proven innovators at Blue Buoy Swim School. We combine five decades of teaching expertise with a forward-thinking approach that emphasizes positive reinforcement and warm poolside interaction. With top-rated facilities, classes for children and adults of all ages and abilities, and the best instructors in the business, we provide everything you need to make swimming a competitive art or a lifelong source of recreational enjoyment.

Classes We Offer

Parent & Me Classes – When children under the age of three begin taking swim lessons, the unfamiliarity of the pool environment may initially lead to significant, temporary stress. Parents of these children may also feel unsure about exposing them to the water for the first time. Our parent/child classes help young children gain the many benefits of an early start to swimming education while you directly accompany them in the pool. This class format also provides you with any needed peace of mind.

Semi-Private and Private Classes – When learning how to swim in the company of just one other student, children typically have a better chance of sharing their skills and developing close personal ties. Our semi-private classes include only two students and one teacher. This very small ratio provides an excellent blend of shared experiences and personalized instruction.

If your child has a targeted swimming goal like preparation for a competition or Scout badge, greater gains may be possible in a private, one-on-one class. The same benefit applies to plenty of other kids, including those with special abilities who may need some extra attention during lessons. Our private classes provide a perfect setting for the ultimate in personalized swim education.

Stroke Prep Classes – Stroke Prep is a six-student class that requires a certain level of pre-existing comfort in the water, as well as some knowledge of two or more of the strokes used in competitions. While enrolled, each child will gain the skills needed for basic competence in all four of these strokes. Students who complete this class can continue on to greater mastery in our Stroke Technique classes.

Stroke Technique Classes – With 15 students per instructor, these are our largest classes. Every child enrolled in Stroke Technique must have a basic understanding of the four completion strokes, whether from enrollment in Stroke Prep or from some other source. Participation in the class will sharpen and refine competition skills, in addition to providing the physical and mental stamina that support advanced performance in the pool.

Adult Swim Classes – Adults who never swam as children may feel like they missed their moment. However, instead of regretting your lack of swimming ability, you can gain a solid set of skills at any age by taking part in one of our beginning adult classes. Like you, all other class participants will be grown-up newcomers with little or no prior experience.

Some adults have considerable swimming experience, but still lack the skills they need to achieve certain objectives. Common examples of these objectives include a desire to meet advanced fitness goals and preparation for a triathlon or some other form of swimming competition. Participation in one of our advanced classes will support any adult ambitions. Just like our beginning adult lessons, these classes place an emphasis on tailored instruction that meets your specific needs.

Swim Instruction Expertise

In line with our standing as the regional source for first-rate swim instruction, Blue Buoy exclusively staffs all children’s and adult classes with teachers who meet our high standards for excellence. The list of required qualifications includes CPR certification, First Aid certification and a complete background check. It also includes a minimum age of 19, a genuine love of teaching others and both classroom and poolside training in our time-tested method of positive swim instruction. The dedication of our staff often means that your children can continue to take lessons from a favorite instructor for years at a time.

Top-Quality Facilities

Blue Buoy Swim School maintains two pools to meet the needs of younger and older swimmers. The youngest students take classes in an enclosed, relatively small pool with a maximum depth of four feet. This type of environment is ideal for establishing a firm swimming foundation in a comfortable and cozy setting. Older children and adults take classes in a larger pool that doubles the maximum depth to eight feet. The extra room provides plenty of space for increased class sizes, a broader range of instruction and longer arms and legs. Both pools remain at a comfortable, essentially constant temperature in all seasons. The poolside decks are also temperature-controlled throughout the year.

Scheduling Flexibility

Long years of experience have shown us that children and adults have a better chance of developing solid swimming abilities when they can attend class on a regular basis. However, the time constraints common in modern life may make it hard to meet this ideal. Blue Buoy helps you overcome any potential scheduling problems by making our classes available throughout the day and giving you flexibility in substituting sessions when necessary. In addition, if you or your child miss a lesson altogether, we provide a generous amount of time for make-up classes.   

Dedicated to Villa Park and Orange County

Known as “The Hidden Jewel,” Villa Park is Orange County’s smallest community by population. This is true, in part, because the city features plenty of single-family homes built on unusually large parcels of land. Residents of Villa Park have the opportunity to enjoy some of the county’s premier entertainment and recreation venues. Nearby attractions within easy driving range include Disneyland, Disney California Adventure Park, Santiago Oaks Regional Park and Irvine Regional Park. Residents also have convenient access to a broad range of casual and fine dining options.

Blue Buoy Swim School is based in Tustin, just down the road from Villa Park. For half a century, we’ve served local residents and communities throughout Orange County as a reliable source of swim instruction that never forgets the importance of fun, respect and safety. Our generations of commitment are reflected in the thousands of former students who have gone on to make swimming an important part of their everyday lives. They also shine bright in the roll call of Olympians, national record holders and world record holders who have walked through our doors. Child or adult, recreational swimmer or competitive swimmer, we’ll help you meet your goals. Call today for information on our free, introductory class session.