Though we may be a little biased, swimming is hands down one of the best activities you can do for yourself. Whether you’re a child or adult, swimming engages many of your muscles and has stress-reducing effects. Learning this skill is setting yourself up for a lifetime of worthwhile experiences in and around many bodies of water.

When your child is just learning how to swim, perhaps the obvious choice is to take them to group swim lessons. Though there are many positive benefits of a group environment, one size does not fit all. If your child needs additional attention or learns at a different pace than their peers, private lessons may be an excellent option to consider.

Ready to dive in? Here are the top ten benefits of private swim lessons:

1. Customization

No two people are alike. The same goes for everyone’s swimming abilities and styles. If your child learns at a different pace, our certified swim instructors can modify or customize the lessons to fit their needs. This low-pressure environment means your child will feel supported in learning at a pace they can succeed in.

2. Personalized Feedback

In group lessons, personalized feedback comes sparingly throughout the course. In private lessons, your child will be able to receive specific input at a more frequent pace, which is very helpful in making minor adjustments as your child develops their swimming confidence. They can also ask questions without distractions from other swimmers.

3. Qualified Instructors

All of our team at Blue Buoy are certified instructors. They are trained in CPR and First Aid, and many other water-related skills to ensure safety and have developed a comprehensive knowledge base. However, if you go to a public pool with other instructors, many are not certified – which may put your child at risk.

4. Convenient

Unlike group classes, private lessons allow you to schedule them around your life, and not the other way around. We can work together to come up with a perfect schedule for your child so they won’t miss a lesson. And if they do? We can always reschedule. This is virtually impossible for group courses as they have to be at set times for all families to come.

5. Special Accommodations

Safety and teaching your child the basics of swimming is where we’re most concerned. If you have a child with special abilities, private lessons would be a great start to ensure your child is getting the attention they need without distraction from other students. Many children have specific sensory needs or mimic other children (which could be good or bad). Our instructors in a focused one-on-one environment are trained to handle many different scenarios, and your child will be in great hands.

6. Specific Goals

Does your child need to reach a certain goal to complete a course? Fear not! Our instructors are ready and willing to have your child succeed in things like preparing to become a lifeguard, school competitions, tryouts or even a swimming badge for both Boy and Girl Scouts.

7. More Time

At first, it may seem like an economical choice to put your child in a group versus private lessons. However, in group lessons, children usually only get 3-5 minutes of personal feedback, while in private lessons the instructors can give their full attention to their student for the entire class. This means your child will be more likely to learn quicker. It could take your child several more group lessons to learn the basics because of lack of individual attention.

8. Younger and Older Students

If your child is still very young, they may experience some separation anxiety from their parents if they are in a group. With a single instructor, they’ll be able to ease your child’s fears while showing them how to be comfortable in the water.

Older children ranging from pre-teen to teenage would benefit from private lessons as well. Many children in this age group are unconfident about swimming, and putting them in a group with experienced swimmers would cause more distress than progress.

9. Getting over Water Trauma

Many children of all ages have a fear of water. This could be due to a bad experience they had when they were very young, or something they have seen on television or media. With movies like Jaws, we don’t blame them! However, being free in the water is one of life’s greatest pleasures. Our instructors are patient and kind, and genuinely want to help your child get over their fears so they can start enjoying the water again.

10. Semi-Private Lessons

Are one-on-one lessons too much pressure for your little one? In our semi-private classes, they can bring a friend or sibling to accompany them. They both can benefit from custom lessons as a result. Having a friend or someone of similar age and abilities is a great way to introduce them to swimming without feeling like all eyes are focused on them solely.

Between customization, attention, and scheduling around your time, private lessons are an excellent choice for a lot of families. We encourage you to call us today for additional information on how to start your child on a journey of exceptional swimming practices.